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* Friday, October 13, 2006 *
haiz...last time i like to go all the way to fight for my sale de...but dunno wat happen i suddenly slow down my way...and it was very very slow...last time i fight actually is to prove that i can do it de...but since dunno when some one has come in to my heart...this person make me cant continue my journey to fight...

actually when i first time come in to tis company my upline already introduce me to him...is i alway nv notice him...but since tt time i go meet one of my special customer, he is the one who teaches me how to deal wif my special customer...and last i make it...since tt time dan i notice him...yeh...

so on the next day, my colleague becoz of her family problem and her work problem, she cried...so after listening to wat colleague problem...it link to my stress and problem too...so i cried out in office tt day...and is cried until both of my eyes was dam red de lo...so one of my manager ask me to confence room to comfort me...so after that this guy come in...but he didn say anythin...so when i go off he msg me...to ask whether i am ok...and told me tt if i hv any pro can go to him...tt time i was really touches by this person...

so as time goes by...i and this person quite close to each other lo...but i dunno what happen that since when ''she'' come in...and this ''she'' rite whoever i was close to, ''she'' will also close to...and make me really very unhappy about it...

today...i realize that this person like this ''she''...can really see de ma...and since ''she'' come in they both very close to each other...and can see tt they like each other de lo...and i already give up le...totally give up on this person i like le...really...even though the process is difficult but i still perseverel...and now when i see this person and ''she'' together happily...i jus control myself or try nt to look at them lo...and told myself i 1 2 give up means want to give up...=)

i am who i am
6:40 a.m.