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May 2006
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design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

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* Monday, May 22, 2006 *
A month before i met a guy...he is quite handsome...he is caring to girls...when i need a shoulder the person who appear in front of me is not my stead but him...this few days the person i have been walking very close is not my boyfriend is him...

Sometime i feel so sorry for my boyfriend...but when i am with him i feel so secure. For my boyfriend...yup i will feel secure too but i feel that this secure had slowly been lost...

i am who i am
3:48 p.m.
* Friday, May 19, 2006 *
Chocolate is sweet. New Love is also sweet...or i can say is very very sweet. I can say that my love experience is sweet and alots of memorys...but when i am in that relationship I do not know how to treasure it and in the end is break...that is why all this I can onli kept as my memory...

This time round I really really wish 2 treasure my relationship with "him" but duno why I always have a feeling that me and "him" would not last long...i really like him. There is a time when he brought me a ring I was really happy...but to me a man promise could not be tusted so i choose not to trust his promise to me...this is to prevent that when there is really a day I and "him" really break it would not hurt me much...


i am who i am
11:45 p.m.