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* Sunday, October 14, 2007 *
i Am really feeling very happy nowadays. first of all last month on 28 sept i just celebrated my mum birthday. because of my mum i can enjoy the 5 days resting day. i apply 2 days leave just to accompany my mum to celebrate her birthday. on 26 sept after my work i went to the jewelly shop to choose a present for my mum. i brought her a jade earing. but i just cant wait until 28 sept so after i brought her the present i pass it to her immediatly when i saw her. My mum was very happy when she receive the present maybe because this is the first time i brought a over $300 dollars jade earing for her. so my first day of leave which is on 27 sept my mum and i when for shopping the whole afternoon than in the evening i went to collct my mum cakes. on my second day of leave, in the morning i brought my mum, my dad and my godmother to a restruant to have "dian xin" at toa payoh for breakfast. after the breakfast, the four of us when for a shopping again...in the afternoon we cut the cake that i brought and in the evening i brought her to a thai restraunt to have dinner. my mum told us that she really have a wonderful birthday this year.

i am who i am
1:00 p.m.
* Saturday, July 14, 2007 *
hahaha...long time never update this blog le...hahaha...until now dan i free to update...hehehe....today i was very happy and excited coz i and meishi when to watch the lastest harry potter and the order of the phoenix. is very interesting show...and the best and lucky is we manager to get the centre row and centre seat which can let us enjoy the whole show...on monday amime is going to treat me watch harry potter again i hope she can oso get the centre row and the centre seat so that we really can enjoyt the show...hahaha....although i have already watch but i still wanted to watch second and third time coz is really a very interesting, excited and most important is is really a nice show...hahaha....i remember that when the 1st harry potter was out, meishi and i when to watch for 8 times...although a lots of people will think that is a waste of money watching so many time but both of us think that is really worth it...when both of us was at secondary school time, one of our teacher always call the harry potter fans instead of calling our name...hahaha...hmmm....that mean that from the 1st harry potter started until now we really like harry potter or we can say we like to watch the 3 zhu jiao ba...hahaha...


i am who i am
11:58 p.m.
* *

i am who i am
11:40 p.m.
* Tuesday, February 13, 2007 *
haha...feeling so sweet now...althought i alots of things happen these few weeks...lye...last week i break up wif my boyfriend which had propose to me coz of somethin sad had happen, and i change my workplace from amk to toa payoh but i dun feel sad...when i workin at amk, i get to know a customer...erm...although he nt veri handsome but he is very nice...when i am hungry he will buy dinner for me...hehehe...veri nice guy rite...hehe...so till i leavin amk...the guy ask for my no...haha...so yesterday he call me and we chat for ard 1 n 1/2 hrs...at last he told me that he lye me ask me whether i can be his galfriend...haha..guess wat i agree...coz i think i oso hv some feelin wif him...haha...so i agree to go out wif him on 14 Feb...hehe...

i am who i am
2:27 p.m.
* *
haha...feeling so sweet now...althought i alots of things happen these few weeks...lye...last week i break up wif my boyfriend which had propose to me coz of somethin sad had happen, and i change my workplace from amk to toa payoh but i dun feel sad...when i workin at amk, i get to know a customer...erm...although he nt veri handsome but he is very nice...when i am hungry he will buy dinner for me...hehehe...veri nice guy rite...hehe...so till i leavin amk...the guy ask for my no...haha...so yesterday he call me and we chat for ard 1 n 1/2 hrs...at last he told me that he lye me ask me whether i can be his galfriend...haha..guess wat i agree...coz i think i oso hv some feelin wif him...haha...so i agree to go out wif him on 14 Feb...hehe...

i am who i am
2:27 p.m.
* Friday, October 13, 2006 *
haiz...last time i like to go all the way to fight for my sale de...but dunno wat happen i suddenly slow down my way...and it was very very slow...last time i fight actually is to prove that i can do it de...but since dunno when some one has come in to my heart...this person make me cant continue my journey to fight...

actually when i first time come in to tis company my upline already introduce me to him...is i alway nv notice him...but since tt time i go meet one of my special customer, he is the one who teaches me how to deal wif my special customer...and last i make it...since tt time dan i notice him...yeh...

so on the next day, my colleague becoz of her family problem and her work problem, she cried...so after listening to wat colleague problem...it link to my stress and problem too...so i cried out in office tt day...and is cried until both of my eyes was dam red de lo...so one of my manager ask me to confence room to comfort me...so after that this guy come in...but he didn say anythin...so when i go off he msg me...to ask whether i am ok...and told me tt if i hv any pro can go to him...tt time i was really touches by this person...

so as time goes by...i and this person quite close to each other lo...but i dunno what happen that since when ''she'' come in...and this ''she'' rite whoever i was close to, ''she'' will also close to...and make me really very unhappy about it...

today...i realize that this person like this ''she''...can really see de ma...and since ''she'' come in they both very close to each other...and can see tt they like each other de lo...and i already give up le...totally give up on this person i like le...really...even though the process is difficult but i still perseverel...and now when i see this person and ''she'' together happily...i jus control myself or try nt to look at them lo...and told myself i 1 2 give up means want to give up...=)

i am who i am
6:40 a.m.
* Monday, September 25, 2006 *
today i feeling really down lo...my friend cum sister dun really understand me lo...i feelin so stress nw i dunno wat to do lo...

i thought that she understand me but no lo... i cry becoz of her...i thought i can be really happy today lo...y she cant she cant calm down and listen to me i really dun understand lo...

m i really wrong on wat i m doing???i shoudn't bring them in my company..i make them stress so much...i really dunno whether i m doing nw is rite or wrong lo...i really lost le...

really really lost....what i m surpose to do??

i am who i am
5:40 p.m.